
Player Overall Level Overall Level Gains Overall Experience Overall Experience Gains Data Points Data Points Gains
22mins 2039 141,500,682 560
2hii 2031 129,582,746 1917
2toes1mouth 1890 62,704,863 4
2vanish 322 2,325,981 2
3434676n -- 1
3hii 1955 138,727,797 1
4hi 1332 41,031,293 1365
4K ADHD 684 1,044,372 54
9point8 1867 76,560,358 495
A DFS 1390 59,746,611 54
A Iron Zaddy 2043 164,738,015 831
Abk Gim 1712 +1 30,711,242 +215,625 409 +5
abk144 2275 463,103,630 4735
aggain 2277 1,161,976,002 2056
Akasha 2277 616,402,205 3
alldead21 1821 80,392,259 1387
Also Mulks 944 1,886,084 1
Antimaturity 1990 135,806,951 799
Anvedius 1380 28,824,457 640
ari_potates 1554 19,999,553 195
Arnt j 1486 21,059,309 45
Arubidium 1687 56,445,556 555
Atrioxx 2270 371,203,653 2627
bathwatere -- 2
Beardfather 1135 4,284,359 18
bejaard 2094 180,081,971 1
Big Rusk 1866 89,411,952 26
BigGothBooty 2082 154,740,682 2184
Bigironsword 92 32,087 1
Blaze Guamja 1762 60,632,773 243
blowy 4 purp 1996 136,926,021 +90,238 2065 +4
BluerFalcon -- -- 0
Boilest 1187 7,151,179 70
boobaxe 2040 584,729,972 2714
boobo 1418 78,221,737 2
BountyFul -- -- 0
Brandys 1950 206,996,706 +29,375 5678 +1
Brandys 3 896 30,159,701 +31,271 326 +1
Brandyss 1418 216,720,098 +137 767 +1
Breh h h 2076 165,300,046 320
Brisolyn 2277 421,395,636 1581
Cak3 pop 1213 27,260,575 296
certifythat 2277 483,889,686 52
Chain Out 2112 221,419,658 1531
champaynpapi 1853 74,916,839 475
chewycrayons 2201 255,042,796 208
ChilledPVMer 2204 325,959,520 6
CincPik 1318 10,516,971 663
Code Geass0 1320 60,034,245 1
cupcak3 1852 159,422,213 1126
Daddy Egg 1974 108,193,693 63
DaddyDuradeI 2131 264,865,345 2
DaizhaMorgan 1917 95,758,439 63
DANKYKAAANG 1731 49,681,012 36
Daphne-Lily 1657 35,797,145 655
dashu dayo 2255 379,292,884 287
dashu kun 609 30,365,922 1
Defencekinq 1214 6,717,874 23
DefendinToad 961 4,883,730 31
defilered 1741 88,677,047 7
DeIron Panda 2081 172,944,170 1169
DlE 2023 147,375,620 11
Dr Monke 2168 224,286,580 +43,368 116 +2
Dragon Baine 2267 465,702,506 4282
Drrzzit 1257 7,174,950 2
Druggs Bunny 547 2,024,766 207
Drzzit 2263 364,314,255 +5,278 1888 +1
dyld 985 12,034,158 2
E_LAN 1888 143,656,275 1
Elleforte 1408 14,557,172 132
Ellezet 2183 409,801,421 74
EtonPussay 2214 286,471,127 26
Evil Wardup 1865 82,515,548 1093
FAILEDHCGIM 1035 2,736,186 15
fapricorn 1923 108,152,148 133
Fe Mulks 2277 383,022,078 1875
FH 2106 236,623,895 403
fieze -- 1
Finna Breh 2032 184,546,234 497
foo pah 1958 118,625,842 5
fudaruda 1291 6,687,422 265
Ghost Glutes -- 1
Ghost Titty 1621 18,517,348 1
GIM Clue 2121 189,921,027 837
GIM Milks -- 1
gimme flies 1614 22,544,446 161
gimmie frogs -- -- 0
Gl l0l sit -- 1
Glitch Code 2038 131,193,251 622
GlitchyDust 1543 +1 20,336,465 +30,915 478 +6
GoldenMoon 1236 17,453,010 125
Gr00vy FLX 2277 388,845,388 2037
Grantastic 2226 390,289,001 672
Group Benj 1747 38,760,167 1
Guasy 2049 152,090,980 1
gx 2277 482,678,860 1
Hairy Giant 2277 496,783,219 403
Hekatean -- 1
Her XP Waste 1881 93,743,423 391
His XP Waste 2126 249,901,325 855
holi cannoli 1213 9,133,954 134
Hopeful Oath 1789 76,665,824 36
iluvboobiess 1750 54,339,214 1
Im Pr0xy 1421 15,406,300 32
Imma get ya 2231 296,033,976 2972
imma lron 2103 171,967,539 +256,107 3258 +16
Ir0n M4gic 487 773,367 1
iron nyrmak 1633 23,681,199 1
IronDrzzit 1837 61,462,621 177
IronSwen 2072 153,976,370 993
Isdotaout 1392 16,565,679 1
It Slash Him 1685 41,337,201 +133,438 61 +4
itz buttsy -- -- 0
Izaak_Letsky 1822 69,770,705 1391
J G B 2073 170,316,068 267
Jayeden 2277 712,880,758 973
Johno Marr 2130 199,578,973 76
Johno Sins 2135 245,452,890 +54,600 3836 +7
Jso 2104 197,897,454 +92,621 1357 +2
Juke HC 1254 4,803,095 1
Juke Silver 2210 287,541,410 1
Just Kek -- 1
Kakkarot313 1401 15,890,775 59
kenbarlow69 1831 74,086,755 997
Kenn aOSRS 699 1,669,143 45
l wolfe l 2269 407,477,798 +212,327 3107 +2
Lace Penguin -- 1
Lady Greie 2108 164,408,013 1370
Lady St0ner 1456 20,977,374 589
Lantic 1730 44,583,063 8
Leaky Forset 1410 34,216,631 1
LeChek 2213 274,503,457 541
LeChek Alt 1558 42,768,659 1
LEVEL ll2 2057 286,003,061 1465
Lex xoxo -- -- 0
Liab1lity 2148 205,814,734 91
LilMagileine 2274 399,955,570 292
lirondeesay 1553 17,321,911 566
LittleKingsy 1889 82,838,227 583
Lizz Truss 1882 73,986,652 +52,542 177 +13
lnfections 141 65,528 1
longcot 1669 27,591,615 109
Lord of Men 1503 31,844,068 1
Lunalite 2071 195,108,615 1513
lutchador 1842 56,444,513 1214
m a c c y 1699 59,332,140 1
m00nd0ugh 1801 59,914,854 +55,615 432 +2
MAAT0911 1887 163,756,557 19
magic f0rce 1817 84,434,754 451
Marisha 2016 173,424,947 433
Masenko Ha 1914 180,069,178 1311
Mathias Exon 1346 32,661,191 1
Mc kaiveli 1809 101,392,209 1
Mesongo 1844 71,567,469 103
Miranelle 1169 20,074,522 694
Moms Amex 1926 141,693,339 2
MrsKnapp 1309 9,214,210 106
MrsRektbeard 479 353,157 27
Mskathycakes 1674 94,959,321 70
Mulks 2277 334,721,719 1
N A M A Z U 2012 180,849,519 442
nachodaypal 2121 212,726,677 1
never main 1952 94,204,827 1
Norn 2277 448,718,821 1317
Norn II 1754 40,866,051 1154
Nt Shoo 2265 387,709,960 +808,309 1220 +3
OFfeetpics 1499 48,341,101 1
OldSchoolGIM 2147 205,410,369 2817
PapiDuckButt 2138 233,694,441 1
PapPaDeWuKa 1437 20,322,306 583
Pattoww 1597 45,206,515 246
PeachBois 1760 270,421,059 5
Penndy 2229 356,809,309 2758
Podsac 2277 539,492,702 762
Ponktus 1766 69,212,966 +334,462 961 +4
poopaxe 1514 79,470,038 1
Prees 1943 89,999,046 640
Quality Kek 2116 196,673,065 947
R00BY 1916 110,188,185 359
RageCombo 2269 +1 607,085,721 +54,735 555 +5
Rahasusual 1738 55,497,869 +47,201 82 +3
Redmurderer4 1643 22,961,696 3
Regressed 2118 265,647,221 2180
Revenorn 1820 155,909,972 824
reyunon -- 1
Riaam 2086 +1 154,054,729 +213,440 1886 +1
RN Jinx 2196 329,068,954 +3,427 1009 +1
ronaldinho91 1493 26,773,123 361
rosygl0w 2017 138,609,501 736
rubdb 1775 +1 66,123,977 +474,874 810 +8
Ruskillion 416 12,612,632 2
Ruskion 2277 453,941,620 3157
Ruskion II 1977 112,094,880 1462
saamsam1 2062 167,330,289 +7,526 1583 +1
saamsam21 1270 44,376,037 117
sad and edgy 1870 91,491,159 +82,184 723 +4
samjo3 1941 127,182,255 2077
Shadyshit -- 1
ShhhImAlex 2251 490,613,762 +12,165 81 +1
Simpy Scrub 1380 8,334,950 266
Sinnthrax 2048 150,157,032 +498,661 164 +1
sitnspin 2109 196,520,541 1
Slay Uh 1968 +3 109,751,352 +673,053 162 +5
Smel Gibson 1279 6,549,993 30
Sniff Benzo 123 1,051,720 2
Spec My Hp 2277 +1 375,423,682 +296,655 153 +8
Sqrub 1881 112,658,741 1
StonkSuper 1895 111,790,777 1
Sv n 2238 466,700,299 +25,845 5830 +1
Swolverine 2277 598,600,468 2
The KingCrab 2085 438,138,080 870
tittys mommy -- 1
Too burned 2277 554,658,972 273
Toxic Dad 2199 287,113,287 3
Toxic Son 1890 83,601,247 1
trashy weeb 2015 129,398,465 1
TriDaddy 1254 51,787,265 779
TurtleCoddlr 2277 372,367,809 771
Twink Rat 1969 142,800,495 2818
tygap 1635 23,402,813 18
u sless -- -- 0
UI Death 298 350,142 1
Unaided Oath 1707 63,561,231 706
Vahliiya 192 58,590 1
Vallima 1363 9,094,999 193
Vampiires 1405 25,725,423 292
vehjina 1883 77,559,915 2194
vehjtable 338 153,412 2
Vijana 1767 54,384,692 1
Void Fanatic 2277 440,941,005 +31,903 646 +1
Vxre 2259 735,175,169 +355,051 4813 +2
w0mpie 1257 16,696,057 1
WaggieBoi 1932 +1 112,599,603 +21,947 35 +3
What D Pho 1752 47,081,800 1
Whutz Derbz 754 8,451,892 149
Wild Fart 1565 +1 53,943,899 +176,303 67 +4
WillysWonkas 1038 +4 9,156,925 +26,470 23 +4
Woof Penguin -- 1
Wykole jony -- -- 0
Xeno Deacon 473 623,831 29
Xeno Raven 1393 13,624,535 123
Yme182 1618 38,688,118 4
yohanenya -- 1
Yulinds 1593 45,158,943 2687
Zaymee 1367 10,224,624 +3,018 436 +3
zeschzesch -- 1
zidl 2277 418,163,050 +116,230 1602 +4
Zofad 2277 527,586,498 2
Zonel 2096 177,735,896 1527
zuads 1933 182,762,893 1